Improve AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate: Testking real preparation from 41 to 50

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Q41. Regarding Amazon SNS, to begin using Amazon SNS mobile push notifications, you first need that uses one of the supported push notification services: APNS, GCM, or ADM.

A. an access policy for the mobile endpoints

B. to active push notification service of Amazon SNS

C. to know the type of mobile device operating system

D. an app for the mobile endpoints 

Answer: D


In Amazon SNS, to begin using Amazon SNS mobile push notifications, you first need an app for the mobile endpoints that uses one of the supported push notification services: APNS, GCM, or ADM. After you've registered and configured the app to use one of these services, you configure Amazon SNS to send push notifications to the mobile endpoints.


Q42. Which of the below mentioned options is a must to have an element as a part of the IAM policy?

A. Condition


C. Statement

D. Version 

Answer: C


The statement is the main element of the IAM policy and it is a must for a policy. Elements such as condition, version and ID are not required.



Which of the below mentioned commands allows the user to share the AMI with his peers using the AWS EC2 CLI?

A. ec2-share-image-public

B. ec2-share-image-account

C. ec2-share-image

D. ec2-modify-image-attribute 

Answer: D


A user can share an AMI with another user / peer using the command: ec2-modify-image-attribute

<AMI-ID> -| -a <AWS Account |D>


Q43. A root account owner is trying to setup an additional level of security for all his IAM users. Which of the below mentioned options is a recommended solution for the account owner?

A. Enable access key and secret access key for all the IAM users

B. Enable MFA for all IAM users

C. Enable the password for all the IAM users

D. Enable MFA for the root account 

Answer: B


Multi-Factor Authentication adds an extra level of security for all the users. The user can enable MFA for all IAM users which ensures that each user has to provide an extra six digit code for authentication. Reference:

Q44. An orgAMzation has launched two applications: one for blogging and one for ECM on the same AWS Linux EC2 instance running in the AWS VPC. The orgAMzation has attached two private IPs (primary and secondary) to the above mentioned instance. The orgAMzation wants the instance OS to recognize the secondary IP address. How can the orgAMzation configure this?

A. Use the ec2-net-utility package which updates routing tables, uses DHCP to refresh the secondary IP and adds the network interface.

B. Use the ec2-net-utils package which will configure an additional network interface and update the routing table

C. Use the ec2-ip-update package which can configure the network interface as well as update the secondary IP with DHCP.

D. Use the ec2-ip-utility package which can update the routing tables as well as refresh the secondary IP using DHCP.



A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual network dedicated to the user’s AWS account. It enables the

user to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that the user has defined. With VPC the user can specify multiple private IP addresses for his instances.

The number of network interfaces and private IP addresses that a user can specify for an instance depends on the instance type. This scenario helps when the user wants to host multiple websites on a single EC2 instance. After the user has assigned a secondary private IP address to his instance, he   needs to configure the operating system on that instance to recognize the secondary private IP address. For AWS Linux, the ec2-net-utils package can take care of this step. It configures additional network interfaces that the user can attach while the instance is running, refreshes secondary IP addresses during DHCP lease renewal, and updates the related routing rules.


Q45. The user has configured AutoScaIing based on the dynamic policy. Which of the following is not the right command to specify a change in capacity as a part of the policy?

A. "adjustment=-50" (type is PercentChangeInCapacity)

B. "adjustment=3" (type is ExactCapacity)

C. "adjustment=-1" (type is ChangeInCapacity)

D. "adjustment=-8" (type is ExactCapacity) 

Answer: D


The user can configure the AutoScaIing group to automatically scale up and then scale down based on the various specified CIoudWatch monitoring conditions. The user needs to provide the adjustment value and the adjustment type. A positive adjustment value increases the current capacity and a negative adjustment value decreases the current capacity. The user can express the change to the current size as an absolute number, an increment or as a percentage of the current group size.

In this option specifying the exact capacity with the adjustment value = -8 will not work as when type is exact capacity the adjustment value cannot be negative.


Q46. A user has created an RDS instance with MySQL. The user is using the HeidiSQL client to connect with the RDS DB. The client is unable to connect to DB from his home machine. What is a possible reason for the failure?

A. The user has to open port 80 in the RDS security group to connect with RDS DNS

B. The security group is not configured to allow a request from the user’s IP on port 3306

C. You can never connect to RDS from your desktop

D. The user has to open port 22 in the RDS security group to connect with RDS DNS 

Answer: B


If the user needs to connect to RDS then he has to open port 3306 in the RDS security group for his IP address.


Q47. AWS Elastic Load Balancer supports SSL termination.

A. True. For specific availability zones only.

B. False

C. True. For specific regions only

D. True. For all regions 

Answer: D


You can configure your load balancer in ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) to use a SSL certificate in order to improve your system security.The load balancer uses the certificate to terminate and then decrypt   requests before sending them to the back-end instances. Elastic Load Balancing uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to upload your certificate to your load balancer.

Reference: TTPS.htmI

Q48. You need to develop and run some new applications on AWS and you know that Elastic Beanstalk and CIoudFormation can both help as a deployment mechAMsm for a broad range of AWS resources. Which of the following statements best describes the differences between Elastic Beanstalk and C|oudFormation?

A. Elastic Beanstalk uses Elastic load balancing and CIoudFormation doesn't.

B. CIoudFormation is faster in deploying applications than Elastic Beanstalk.

C. CIoudFormation is much more powerful than Elastic Beanstalk, because you can actually design and script custom resources

D. Elastic Beanstalk is faster in deploying applications than C|oudFormation. 

Answer: C


These services are designed to complement each other. AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment to easily develop and run applications in the cloud. It is integrated with developer tools and provides a one-stop experience for you to manage the lifecycle of your applications. AWS CIoudFormation is a convenient deployment mechAMsm for a broad range of AWS resources. It supports the infrastructure needs of many different types of applications such as existing enterprise applications, legacy applications, applications built using a variety of AWS resources and container-based solutions (including those built using AWS Elastic Beanstalk).

AWS CIoudFormation introduces two new concepts: The template, a JSON-format, text-based file that describes all the AWS resources you need to deploy to run your application and the stack, the set of AWS resources that are created and managed as a single unit when AWS CIoudFormation instantiates a template.


Q49. A user has launched an RDS instance. The user has created 3 databases on the same server. What can the maximum size be for each database?

A. The size of each DB cannot be more than 3 TB

B. It is not possible to have more than one DB on a single instance

C. The total instance storage size cannot be more than 3 TB

D. The size of each DB cannot be more than 1 TB 

Answer: C


The AWS RDS DB instance is an isolated DB environment provided by AWS in which the user can create more than 1 database. The maximum size ofthe instance should be between 5 GB and 3 TB. The size of each DB can be anything in this range.


Q50. A user has not enabled versioning on an S3 bucket. What will be the version ID of the object inside that bucket?

A. 0

B. There will be no version attached

C. Null

D. Blank 

Answer: C


S3 objects stored in the bucket before the user has set the versioning state have a version ID of null. When the user enables versioning, the objects in the bucket do not change and their ID remains null. Reference: