Exam Code: AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: AWS Certified Developer Associate
Certification Provider: Amazon
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Q21. You have been given a scope to deploy some AWS infrastructure for a large orgAMsation. The requirements are that you will have a lot of EC2 instances but may need to add more when the average utilization of your Amazon EC2 fileet is high and conversely remove them when CPU utilization is low. Which AWS services would be best to use to accomplish this?
A. Amazon CIoudFront, Amazon CIoudWatch and Elastic Load Balancing.
B. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and AWS CIoudTraiI.
C. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and Elastic Load Balancing.
D. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Answer: C
Auto Scaling enables you to follow the demand curve for your applications closely, reducing the need to manually provision Amazon EC2 capacity in advance. For example, you can set a condition to add new Amazon EC2 instances in increments to the Auto Scaling group when the average utilization of your Amazon EC2 fileet is high; and similarly, you can set a condition to remove instances in the same increments when CPU utilization is low. If you have predictable load changes, you can set a schedule through Auto Scaling to plan your scaling actMties. You can use Amazon CIoudWatch to send alarms to trigger scaling actMties and Elastic Load Balancing to help distribute traffic to your instances within Auto Scaling groups. Auto Scaling enables you to run your Amazon EC2 fileet at optimal utilization. Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/autoscaIing/
Q22. AutoScaIing is configured with 3 AZs. Each zone has 5 instances running. If AutoScaIing wants to terminate an instance based on the policy action, which instance will it terminate first?
A. Terminate the first launched instance
B. Randomly select the instance for termination
C. Terminate the instance from the AZ which does not have a high AWS load
D. Terminate the instance from the AZ which has instances running near to the billing hour
Answer: B
Before Auto Scaling selects an instance to terminate, it first identifies the Availability Zone that has more instances than the other Availability Zones used by the group. If all the Availability Zones have the same number of instances, it identifies a random Availability Zone.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AutoScaIing/latest/DeveIoperGuide/us-termination-policy.html
Q23. How can a user configure three termination policies for the AutoScaIing group?
A. Define multiple policies in random order
B. Define multiple policies in the ordered list
C. Keep updating the AutoScaIing group with each policy
D. The user cannot specify more than two policies for AutoScaIing
Answer: B
To configure the Auto Scaling termination policy, the user can either specify any one of the policies as a standalone policy or list multiple policies in an ordered list. The policies are executed in the order that they are listed.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AutoScaIing/latest/DeveIoperGuide/us-termination-policy.html
Q24. How long can you keep your Amazon SQS messages in Amazon SQS queues?
A. From 120 secs up to 4 weeks
B. From 10 secs up to 7 days
C. From 60 secs up to 2 weeks
D. From 30 secs up to 1 week
Answer: C
The SQS message retention period is configurable and can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 2 weeks. The default is 4 days and once the message retention limit is reached your messages will be automatically deleted. The option for longer message retention provides greater filexibility to allow for longer intervals between message production and consumption.
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/faqs/
Q25. When using Amazon SQS how much data can you store in a message?
A. 8 KB
B. 2 KB
C. 16 KB
D. 4 KB
Answer: A
With Amazon SQS version 2008-01-01, the maximum message size for both SOAP and Query requests is 8KB.
If you need to send messages to the queue that are larger than 8 KB, AWS recommends that you split the information into separate messages. Alternatively, you could use Amazon S3 or Amazon Simp|eDB to hold the information and include the pointer to that information in the Amazon SQS message.
If you send a message that is larger than 8KB to the queue, you will receive a MessageTooLong error with HTTP code 400.
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/items/1343?externaI|D=1343
Q26. An orgAMzation has hosted an application on the EC2 instances. There will be multiple users connecting to the instance for setup and configuration of application. The orgAMzation is planning to implement certain security best practices. Which of the below mentioned pointers will not help the orgAMzation achieve better security arrangement?
A. Apply the latest patch of OS and always keep it updated.
B. Allow only IAM users to connect with the EC2 instances with their own secret access key.
C. Disable the password based login for all the users. All the users should use their own keys to connect with the instance securely.
D. Create a procedure to revoke the access rights of the indMdual user when they are not required to connect to EC2 instance anymore for the purpose of application configuration.
Answer: B
Since AWS is a public cloud any application hosted on EC2 is prone to hacker attacks. It becomes extremely important for a user to setup a proper security mechAMsm on the EC2 instances. A few of the security measures are listed below:
Always keep the OS updated with the latest patch
Always create separate users with in OS if they need to connect with the EC2 instances, create their keys and disable their password
Create a procedure using which the admin can revoke the access of the user when the business work on the EC2 instance is completed
Lock down unnecessary ports
Audit any proprietary applications that the user may be running on the EC2 instance
Provide temporary escalated prMleges, such as sudo for users who need to perform occasional prMleged tasks
The IAM is useful when users are required to work with AWS resources and actions, such as launching an instance. It is not useful to connect (RDP / SSH) with an instance.
Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/1233/
Q27. A user is trying to create a list of IAM users with the AWS console. When the IAM users are created which of the below mentioned credentials will be enabled by default for the user?
A. IAM access key and secret access key
B. IAM X.509 certificates
C. Nothing. Everything is disabled by default
D. IAM passwords
Answer: C
Newly created IAM users have no password and no access key (access key ID and secret access key). If the user needs to administer your AWS resources using the AWS Management Console, you can create
a password for the user. If the user needs to interact with AWS programmatically (using the command line interface (CLI), the AWS SDK, or service-specific APIs), you can create an access key for that user. The credentials you create for users are what they use to uniquely identify themselves to AWS.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/|atest/UserGuide/Using_WorkingWithGroupsAndUsers.htmI
Q28. Which one of the following statements is NOT an advantage of DyanamoDB being built on Solid State Drives:
A. serve high-scale request workloads
B. low request pricing
C. high I/O performance of WebApp on EC2 instance
D. low-latency response times
Answer: C
In DynamoDB, SSDs help achieve design goals of predictable low-latency response times for storing and accessing data at any scale. The high I/O performance of SSDs also enables to serve high-scale request workloads cost efficiently, and to pass this efficiency along in low request pricing.
Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/faqs/
Q29. A user has created a queue named "myqueue" with SQS. There are four messages published to queue which are not received by the consumer yet. If the user tries to delete the queue, what will happen?
A. A user can never delete a queue manually. AWS deletes it after 30 days of inactMty on queue
B. It will initiate the delete but wait for four days before deleting until all messages are deleted automatically.
C. It will ask user to delete the messages first
D. It will delete the queue
Answer: D
SQS allows the user to move data between distributed components of applications so they can perform different tasks without losing messages or requiring each component to be always available. The user can delete a queue at any time, whether it is empty or not. It is important to note that queues retain
messages for a set period of time. By default, a queue retains messages for four days. Reference:
Q30. A user has created a MySQL RDS instance with PIOPS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help user understand the advantage of PIOPS?
A. The user can achieve additional dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O with an enhanced RDS option
B. It uses optimized EBS volumes and optimized configuration stacks
C. It provides a dedicated network bandwidth between EBS and RDS
D. It uses a standard EBS volume with optimized configuration the stacks
Answer: B
RDS DB instance storage comes in two types: standard and provisioned IOPS. Standard storage is allocated on the Amazon EBS volumes and connected to the user’s DB instance. Provisioned IOPS uses optimized EBS volumes and an optimized configuration stack. It provides additional, dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Welcome.html