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Q11. In Amazon EC2, you are billed instance-hours when .

A. your EC2 instance is in a running state

B. the instance exits from Amazon S3 console

C. your instance still exits the EC2 console

D. EC2 instances stop 

Answer: A


You are billed instance-hours as long as your EC2 instance is in a running state. Reference:

Q12. A user is observing the EC2 CPU utilization metric on CIoudWatch. The user has observed some interesting patterns while filtering over the 1 week period for a particular hour. The user wants to zoom that data point to a more granular period. How can the user do that easily with CIoudWatch?

A. The user can zoom a particular period by selecting that period with the mouse and then releasing the mouse

B. The user can zoom a particular period by specifying the aggregation data for that period

C. The user can zoom a particular period by double clicking on that period with the mouse

D. The user can zoom a particular period by specifying the period in the Time Range 

Answer: A


Amazon CIoudWatch provides the functionality to graph the metric data generated either by the AWS services or the custom metric to make it easier for the user to analyse. The AWS CIoudWatch console provides the option to change the granularity of a graph and zoom in to see data over a shorter time period. To zoom, the user has to click in the graph details pane, drag on the graph area for selection, and then release the mouse button.


Q13. A user has configured ELB with two EBS backed EC2 instances. The user is trying to understand the DNS access and IP support for ELB. Which of the below mentioned statements may not help the user  understand the IP mechanism supported by ELB?

A. The client can connect over IPV4 or IPV6 using Dualstack

B. Communication between the load balancer and back-end instances is always through IPV4

C. ELB DNS supports both IPV4 and IPV6

D. The ELB supports either IPV4 or IPV6 but not both 

Answer: D


Elastic Load Balancing supports both Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Clients can connect to the user’s load balancer using either IPv4 or IPv6 (in EC2-Classic) DNS. However, communication between the load balancer and its back-end instances uses only IPv4. The user can use the Dualstack-prefixed DNS name to enable IPv6 support for communications between the client and the load balancers. Thus, the clients are able to access the load balancer using either IPv4 or IPv6 as their indMdual connectMty needs dictate.


Q14. Is there a limit to how many groups a user can be in?

A. Yes for all users

B. Yes for all users except root

C. No

D. Yes unless special permission granted 

Answer: A

Q15. Your company has recently extended its datacenter into a VPC on AVVS to add burst computing capacity as needed Members of your Network Operations Center need to be able to go to the AWS Management Console and administer Amazon EC2 instances as necessary You don't want to create new IAM users for each NOC member and make those users sign in again to the AWS Management Console Which option below will meet the needs for your NOC members?

A. Use OAuth 2 0 to retrieve temporary AWS security credentials to enable your NOC members to sign in to the AVVS Management Console.

B. Use web Identity Federation to retrieve AWS temporary security credentials to enable your NOC members to sign in to the AWS Management Console.

C. Use your on-premises SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider (IOP) to grant the NOC members federated access to the AWS Management Console via the AWS sing Ie sign-on (550) endpoint.

D. Use your on-premises SAML2.0-comp|iam identity provider (IOP) to retrieve temporary security credentials to enable NOC members to sign in to the AWS Management Console.

Answer: D

Q16. A user has hosted an application on EC2 instances. The EC2 instances are configured with ELB and Auto Scaling. The application server session time out is 2 hours. The user wants to configure connection draining to ensure that all in-flight requests are supported by ELB even though the instance is being deregistered. What time out period should the user specify for connection draining?

A. 1 hour

B. 30 minutes

C. 5 minutes

D. 2 hours 

Answer: A


The Elastic Load Balancer connection draining feature causes the load balancer to stop sending new requests to the back-end instances when the instances are deregistering or become unhealthy, while ensuring that in-flight requests continue to be served. The user can specify a maximum time of 3600

seconds (1 hour) for the load balancer to keep the connections alive before reporting the instance as deregistered. If the user does not specify the maximum timeout period, by default, the load balancer will close the connections to the deregistering instance after 300 seconds.


Q17. Which IAM role do you use to grant AWS Lambda permission to access a DynamoDB Stream?

A. Dynamic role

B. Invocation role

C. Execution role

D. Event Source role

Answer: C


You grant AWS Lambda permission to access a DynamoDB Stream using an IAM role known as the "execution ro|e".


Q18. If you are using Amazon RDS Provisioned IOPS storage with MySQL and Oracle database engines, you can scale the throughput of your database Instance by specifying the IOPS rate f rom _ _

A. 1,000 to 1,00,000

B. 100 to 1, 000

C. 10,000to 1,00,000

D. 1, 000 to 10, 000

Answer: D

Q19. An edge location refers to which Amazon Web Service?

A. An edge location is refered to the network configured within a Zone or Region

B. An edge location is an AWS Region

C. An edge location is the location of the data center used for Amazon CIoudFront.

D. An edge location is a Zone within an AWS Region 

Answer: C


Amazon CIoudFront is a content distribution network. A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of sewers deployed in multiple data centers across the world. The location of the data center used for CDN is called edge location.

Amazon CIoudFront can cache static content at each edge location. This means that your popular static content (e.g., your site’s logo, navigational images, cascading style sheets, JavaScript code, etc.) will be available at a nearby edge location for the browsers to download with low latency and improved performance for viewers. Caching popular static content with Amazon CIoudFront also helps you offload requests for such files from your origin sever — CIoudFront serves the cached copy when available and only makes a request to your origin server if the edge location receMng the browser’s request does not have a copy of the file.


Q20. After an Amazon VPC instance is launched, can I change the VPC security groups it belongs to?

A. Only if the tag "VPC_Change_Group" is true

B. Yes. You can.

C. No. You cannot.

D. Only if the tag "VPC Change Group" is true 

Answer: B