1D0-520 Exam

1D0-520 preparation(8 to 17) for client: Jun 2021 Edition

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New CIW 1D0-520 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 8 - Question 17)

Q1. According to the W3C XML Recommendation, XML documents that are not well-formed:

A. will not load in the browser.

B. will load in the browser and then generate an error.

C. will generate an error and then load in the browser.

D. will load in the browser until reaching the violation, and then stop.

Answer: A

Q2. Jason needs to create a table with four columns and six rows. Which of the following attributes must he include in the <td> tag to allow the first cell to span across the entire width of the table?

A. colspan="4"

B. colspan="6"

C. rowspan="6"

D. width="100%"

Answer: A

Q3. Consuela is updating her company's Web site. She wants to add an image that is 1,414 pixels by 724 pixels. Her site audience generally uses a monitor resolution of 1024x768. Using Fireworks, how can she adjust the image to fit the users' monitors?

A. Resample the image to adjust the print size.

B. Resample the image to increase the resolution.

C. Resample the image to decrease the color depth.

D. Resample the image to decrease the pixel dimensions.

Answer: D

Q4. What is the primary purpose of navigational elements within a Web site?

A. To organize a list of hyperlinks

B. To make it easy for users to visit other sites

C. To enable user movement throughout the site

D. To make it easy for users to reach the home page

Answer: C

Q5. Gordon has been asked to create a focus group to aid in finishing the production of a Web site for the company World Stocks, Bonds and Currency Inc. What should this process definitely include?

A. Asking the corporate customers for their favorite colors, and then incorporating those colors into a style guide

B. Choosing at least five individuals who represent the target audience demographic, and then using testers with varying degrees of computer experience to

review the site

C. Creating a set of real-world activities that the company wants to provide to its customers, and then assigning those activities as tasks to accomplish, with

step-by-step directions for completing them

D. Using the bottom-up approach to site development by asking the corporate customers for the type of functionality they expect from the site, and then

designing the look and feel of the site around those functions

Answer: B

Q6. Consider the following code:




<director>Michael Curtiz</director>


What kind of code is shown in the preceding example?



C. VBScript

D. activescript

Answer: A

Q7. Alma has been asked to upgrade the pages on her Web site to XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Which of the following tags must she alter on each page?

A. The <head> tag

B. The <span> tag

C. The <meta> tag

D. The <!DOCTYPE> tag

Answer: D

Q8. What is the name for colors that create black when mixed together?

A. Radial

B. Additive

C. Subtractive

D. Transitional

Answer: C

Q9. Denny is designing a Web site for his school's sporting events. This Web site will list event results for the school. When site visitors click a hyperlink for a specific event, a new page containing information about the sporting event will appear, including the teams involved, the location of the event, scores, key plays and specific accomplishments by contestants. Which of the following should Denny do to build this site?

A. Use database integration.

B. Create static pages for each event.

C. Use one page and modify it after each event.

D. Copy and paste Web pages from other schools' sites.

Answer: A

Q10. Where do SVG files render?

A. On the client side

B. On the server side

C. In the XML markup

D. In the Flash plug-in

Answer: A

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