1Z0-591 Exam

[Certified] 1Z0-591 Oracle practice 1-10 (Sep 2021)

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Q1. Object Security controls access to Subject Areas, Tables, and Columns in OBIEE and can be implemented by using which method? 

A. Single Sign-On (SSO) 

B. Database Authentication 

C. Business Logic Object Security 

D. External Table Authentication 

E. LDAP Authentication 

Answer: C

Q2. Which language is used by OBIEE to query Essbase? 





Answer: C

Q3. Which task can be performed after the Administrator link has been reached through logging into OBIEE? 

A. Associate map layers to columns 

B. Manage access to Subject Areas 

C. SSO enablement 

D. Start or Stop BI Managed Servers 

Answer: BCD 

Q4. How do you get the BI plug-in for MS Office? 

A. By contacting the administrator 

B. By downloading it from the BI Server 

C. By downloading it from the Database Server 

D. By downloading it from Microsoft Server 

Answer: B

Q5. A customer needs to do a cross database join between two tables where, one of the tables has a small number of values and the other has a large number of values. How can you optimize the way the BI Server processes the query? 

A. By specifying a one-to-many join between the tables with the small and largenumbers of values 

B. By specifyingadriving table 

C. By specifying a many to one join between the tables with the small and large numbers of values 

D. By creating your logical join by using theJoins Manager 

E. By creating your joins by using the Business Model Diagram 


Q6. OBIEE 11g authentication of users is performed by which two components listed below? 

A. Repository file (rpd) 

B. Embedded WebLogicLDAP server 

C. External directories such as Active Directory using WebLogic andFusion Middleware's Oracle Platform Security Services framework 

D. BI Presentation Services 

Answer: AB

Q7. Which of the following native features of Essbase are not supported in OBIEE 11g? 

A. Member Alias 

B. Alternate Hierarchies 

C. Dynamic Time Series 

D. Parent/Child-based Hierarchies 

Answer: C

Q8. Identify the correct mode to use when opening the web catalog while performing security settings modifications and migrations. 

A. Online 

B. Offline 

C. Managed 

D. UnManaged 

Answer: A

Q9. Which option describes how OBIEE Integrates with Planning? 

A. OBIEE primarily accesses Planning using standard Essbase integration techniques. 

B. OBIEE provides complete access to all Planning data through the Analytic Data Model (ADM) layer. 

C. Planning is not a supported OBIEE source. 

D. OBIEEintegrates with Planning directly through relational database access. 

Answer: AB

Q10. Permissions for Presentation layer objects and Business layer objects that restrict users is configured in which software component? 

A. OracleEnterpriseManager 

B. OracleHTTP Server 

C. WebLogicServer Administration Component 

D. BIAdministration Tool 

Answer: D