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New Questions 6
A system administrator needs to meet the maximum amount of security goals for a new DNS infrastructure. The administrator deploys DNSSEC extensions to the domain names and infrastructure. Which of the following security goals does this meet? (Select TWO).
A. Availability
B. Authentication
C. Integrity
D. Confidentiality
E. Encryption
Answer: B,C
New Questions 7
Which of the following BEST explains SAML?
A. A security attestation model built on XML and SOAP-based services, which allows for the exchange of A&A data between systems and supports Federated Identity Management.
B. An XML and SOAP-based protocol, which enables the use of PKI for code signing and SSO by using SSL and SSH to establish a trust model.
C. A security model built on the transfer of assertions over XML and SOAP-based protocols, which allows for seamless SSO and the open exchange of data.
D. A security verification model built on SSO and SSL-based services, which allows for the exchange of PKI data between users and supports XACML.
Answer: A
New Questions 8
A security engineer has inherited an authentication project which integrates 1024-bit PKI certificates into the company infrastructure and now has a new requirement to integrate 2048-bit PKI certificates so that the entire company will be interoperable with its vendors when the project is completed. The project is now 25% complete, with 15% of the company staff being issued 1024-bit certificates. The provisioning of network based accounts has not occurred yet due to other project delays. The project is now expected to be over budget and behind its original schedule. Termination of the existing project and beginning a new project is a consideration because of the change in scope. Which of the following is the security engineeru2021s MOST serious concern with implementing this solution?
A. Succession planning
B. Performance
C. Maintainability
A. D. Availability
Answer: C
New Questions 9
Company XYZ is building a new customer facing website which must access some corporate resources. The company already has an internal facing web server and a separate server supporting an extranet to which suppliers have access. The extranet web server is located in a network DMZ. The internal website is hosted on a laptop on the internal corporate network. The internal network does not restrict traffic between any internal hosts. Which of the following locations will BEST secure both the intranet and the customer facing website?
A. The existing internal network segment
B. Dedicated DMZ network segments
C. The existing extranet network segment
D. A third-party web hosting company
Answer: B
New Questions 10
A company has received the contract to begin developing a new suite of software tools to replace an aging collaboration solution. The original collaboration solution has been in place for nine years, contains over a million lines of code, and took over two years to develop originally. The SDLC has broken the primary delivery stages into eight different deliverables, with each section requiring an in-depth risk analysis before moving on to the next phase. Which of the following software development methods is MOST applicable?
A. Spiral model
B. Incremental model
C. Waterfall model
D. Agile model
Answer: D
New Questions 11
A developer is determining the best way to improve security within the code being developed. The developer is focusing on input fields where customers enter their credit card details. Which of the following techniques, if implemented in the code, would be the MOST effective in protecting the fields from malformed input?
A. Client side input validation
B. Stored procedure
C. Encrypting credit card details
D. Regular expression matching
Answer: D
New Questions 12
An internal committee comprised of the facilities manager, the physical security manager, the network administrator, and a member of the executive team has been formed to address a recent breach at a companyu2021s data center. It was discovered that during the breach, an HVAC specialist had gained entry to an area that contained server farms holding sensitive financial data. Although the HVAC specialist was there to fix a legitimate issue, the investigation concluded security be provided for the two entry and exit points for the server farm. Which of the following should be implemented to accomplish the recommendations of the investigation?
A. Implement a policy that all non-employees should be escorted in the data center.
B. Place a mantrap at the points with biometric security.
C. Hire an HVAC person for the company, eliminating the need for external HVAC people.
D. Implement CCTV cameras at both points.
Answer: B
New Questions 13
When generating a new key pair, a security application asks the user to move the mouse and type random characters on the keyboard. Which of the following BEST describes why this is necessary?
A. The user needs a non-repudiation data source in order for the application to generate the key pair.
B. The user is providing entropy so the application can use random data to create the key pair.
C. The user is providing a diffusion point to the application to aid in creating the key pair.
D. The application is requesting perfect forward secrecy from the user in order to create the key pair.
Answer: : B
New Questions 14
A large bank deployed a DLP solution to detect and block customer and credit card data from leaving the organization via email. A disgruntled employee was able to successfully exfiltrate data through the corporate email gateway by embedding a word processing document containing sensitive data as an object in a CAD file. Which of the following BEST explains why it was not detected and blocked by the DLP solution? (Select TWO).
A. The product does not understand how to decode embedded objects.
B. The embedding of objects in other documents enables document encryption by default.
C. The process of embedding an object obfuscates the data.
D. The mail client used to send the email is not compatible with the DLP product.
E. The DLP product cannot scan multiple email attachments at the same time.
Answer: A,C
New Questions 15
Due to compliance regulations, a company requires a yearly penetration test. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has asked that it be done under a black box methodology. Which of the following would be the advantage of conducting this kind of penetration test?
A. The risk of unplanned server outages is reduced.
A. B. Using documentation provided to them, the pen-test organization can quickly determine areas to focus on.
C. The results will show an in-depth view of the network and should help pin-point areas of internal weakness.
D. The results should reflect what attackers may be able to learn about the company.
Answer: D
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