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Q1. Your company has a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2021 environment. You need to implement email synchronization.
Which option is available when implementing email synchronization?
A. Synchronization settings are configured on the user record.
B. Incoming and outgoing synchronization methods must match.
C. A mailbox record is automatically created for each user and queue.
D. Forward mailboxes are automatically created when using server-side synchronization.
Answer: C
Q2. What is an advantage of using server-side synchronization for email processing?
A. Supports Microsoft Exchange 2007 and later.
B. Managed and configured using a separate program.
C. Provides error reporting in the application.
D. Can be used with all combinations of online/on-premises hybrid environments.
Answer: D
Q3. You are a Microsoft Dynamics CRM system administrator for a company.
A user reports that there arethree actions she cannot perform when working offline in Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook. You assure her that the app is working as expected and that the three actions are not available when working in offline mode.
Which three actions did the user report? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Quality a lead.
B. Run a workflow.
C. View a Microsoft Dynamics CRM report.
D. Assign a record.
E. Use the Add button (+) to create a related record.
Answer: B,C,D
Q4. Your company has a Microsoft Office 365 environment with a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2021 Online deployment.
You have a complex development and testing environment requiring the following:
•2 publishing instances
•22 development instances
•5 UAT instances
•5 production instances
•22 testing instances
You need to support a continuous improvement plan in constant use for your testing, development, and production environments.
What is the minimum number of tenants required to support this scenario?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 22
Answer: C
Q5. You work as a Microsoft Dynamic CRM Online system administrator. You plan to enable document management.
Which online service is required?
A. Microsoft Social Engagement
B. Microsoft SharePoint
C. Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
D. Microsoft Yammer
Answer: C
Q6. You have enabled field level security on the Birthday field for the contact entity. Only system administrators can see the data on the birthday field for existing contacts in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
What will non-system administrator users see in the Birthday field for tracked contacts by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook client?
A. The Birthday field will be populated with dashes (-).
B. Users will see the birthday for contacts they own.
C. The Birthday field will be populated with asterisks (*).
D. The Birthday field will be blank.
Answer: B
Q7. Your company has a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2021 Online deployment.
You reach yourstoragespace limit and the system is telling users they cannot enter more data.
You need to resolve the storage issue.
Which two ways can you alleviate the storage issue? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
NOTE:Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Archive and remove old data.
B. Purchase more storage.
C. Change your Instance to sandbox.
D. Purchase additional production instances.
Answer: A,B
Q8. You are an administrator in the CRM Online Administration center of Microsoft Office 365 making operational changes to an instance.
You need to ensure that regular users do not affect your work, and that your work does not affect regular users.
What should you do?
A. remove the users from the instance
B. create a new sandbox
C. enable administration mode
D. copy the instance
Answer: C
Q9. You select Forward Mailbox as your incoming synchronization method. You process emails with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2021 Email Router between Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and a SMTP/POP3 server.
You need to deploy inbox rules so emails addressed to the 100 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online users in theorganization are forwarded to the forward mailbox for processing.
Which solution can be used to deploy forwarding rules for all the users?
A. Run the Rule Deployment Wizard.
B. Enable folder-level synchronization.
C. Create manually in Microsoft Outlook.
D. Create Exchange transport rules.
Answer: D
Q10. Your company has a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online environment. You need to plan a strategy for updates.
How many major updates are there per year?
A. 1 every 2 years
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
Answer: B